Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Keep Your Tights and Stockings Run-Free

stocking run stockings

There’s nothing worse than spending time and energy picking out what you’re going to wear in the morning and painstaking putting on the perfect pantyhose to go with your outfit, only to get to work and see that you have a giant run in the back of your super cool fashion tights. Unless you're going for the 80's raggedy Madonna look, which is out by the way-- you wouldn't want any unsightly runs especially for more important occasions or the office.

Luckily, there are ways to stop an unsightly run in it’s tracks, and even ways to prevent them from occurring to begin with. 

1)    One way to stop a run from getting out of control is to apply clear nail polish to it. This is a tried and true method that many women swear by. By keeping a bottle of clear nail polish with you at all times,  you can stop that little snag in your knee high stocking from making you look like you got attacked by a cougar at the end of the day. 

2)    A good preventative measure that is often overlooked is to hand-wash your stocking and tights, which gives you more control as to the pressure and stress exerted on your delicates.

3)    Of course, the best way to prevent runs in your stockings is to buy quality products. The old saying goes “You get what you pay for”. With MeMoi stockings and tights, you truly get a bang for your buck-- not only are our products reasonably priced, but they have been tested over and over to reduce potential tearing and sagging.

Easy tears and ugly runs should be a thing of the past with Memoi! 


  1. Nice start guys...I went through the website and I found that you made a decent point On Stockings And Tights.Keep up the topic that everyone can choose one of the best. Thanks.


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